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Field Name Field Description
EDDC_PROJECT_RECNUM The unique identifier for the EDDC episode
FACILITY_IDENTIFIER The specific emergency department reporting the episode of care.
REFERRED_TO_ON_DEPARTURE_RECODE Referred to at the end of the Emergency Department Contact.
ARRIVAL_DATE Date at which the person presents for the service
ARRIVAL_TIME Time at which the person presents for the service
ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_DATE For the admitted patient this refers to the date the person is either 1) transferred to a ward or other unit or 2) leaves the ED for transfer to another unit. For non-admitted patients this refers to the date at which the assessment and initial treatment is completed and/or they physically leave the department
ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_TIME For the admitted patient this refers to the time the person is either 1) transferred to a ward or other unit or 2) leaves the ED for transfer to another unit. For non-admitted patients this refers to the time at which the assessment and initial treatment is completed and/or they physically leave the department
AREA_IDENTIFIER Local Health District (LHD) of facility
ED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE The diagnosis or condition established after assessment to be responsible for the person presenting to the Emergency Department. If the person is admitted as an inpatient it is the equivalent of the admission diagnosis. For Cerner FirstNet sites, this variable is captured as “Discharge Diagnosis”. For EDIS and iPM sites it is known as “Principal Diagnosis”
CLINICAL_CODESET An identifier to identify the classification scheme a principal diagnosis has been mapped to.
ED_DIAGNOSIS_CODE_SCT The diagnosis or condition established after assessment to be responsible for the person presenting to the Emergency Department. If the person is admitted as an inpatient it is the equivalent of the admission diagnosis. For Cerner FirstNet sites, this variable is captured as “Discharge Diagnosis”. For EDIS and iPM sites it is known as “Principal Diagnosis”
ED_SOURCE_OF_REFERRAL Source from which the person was referred to this service
ED_VISIT_TYPE The reason the person presents to the Emergency Department
FACILITY_TYPE The category of the facility through which the health service is delivered.
MODE_OF_ARRIVAL Mode of transport by which the person arrives
MODE_OF_SEPARATION The status of the person at separation from the Emergency Department
PEER_GROUP Facility peer grouping (Public Hospitals only). For more information please see: https://www1.health.nsw.gov.au/pds/Pages/doc.aspx?dn=IB2016_013
TRIAGE_CATEGORY Triage is the process used to classify patients according to the urgency of their needs for medical and nursing care
PPN The unique identifier for the patient provided by the Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL)
DICTERROR_FACILITY_IDENTIFIER Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the facility_identifier field for this episode
DICTERROR_REFERRED_TO_ON_DEPARTURE Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the referred_to_on_departure field for this episode
DICTERROR_AREA_IDENTIFIER Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the area_identifier field for this episode
DICTERROR_ED_SOURCE_OF_REFERRAL Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the ed_source_of_referral field for this episode
DICTERROR_ED_VISIT_TYPE Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the ed_visit_type field for this episode
DICTERROR_FACILITY_TYPE Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the facility_type field for this episode
DICTERROR_MODE_OF_ARRIVAL Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the mode_of_arrival field for this episode
DICTERROR_MODE_OF_SEPARATION Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the mode_of_separation field for this episode
DICTERROR_TRIAGE_CATEGORY Flag that indicates if there is an out-of-dictionary error in the triage_category field for this episode