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The ENCOUNTER table contains information regarding an inpatient visit.

Field Name Field Description
PATIENT_ID The unique primary identifier of the patient table that is linked to this encounter
ENCOUNTER_ID The encounter_id uniquely identifies an encounter in the encounter table
INPATIENT_VISIT_ID Unique identifier for the inpatient visit. This is a child of the encounter_id
ED_VISIT_ID Unique identifier for the emergency department visit. This is a child of the encounter_id
AGE The age of the patient at the start of this encounter
POSTCODE The residential postcode of the patient
MARITAL_STATUS The marital status of the patient as declared by the patient or NOK on admission
LANGUAGE The primary language spoken by the patient as declared by the patient or NOK on admission
RELIGION The religion of the patient as declared by the patient or NOK on admission
FINANCIAL_CLASS The financial classification associated with the encounter.
REG_DT_TM The date/time that the facility registration or admission process was performed.
ESTIMATED_DISCHARGE_DT The estimated or expected date/time that the patient will depart (outpatient) or will be discharged (inpatient) from the facility. This field may be null.
DISCHARGE_DT_TM The actual date/time that the patient was discharged from the facility.
DISCHARGE_TO The location to which the patient was discharged such as another hospital or nursing home.
FACILITY The facility that the patient was admitted to.
ENCOUNTER_TYPE Categorizes the encounter into a logical group or type. Examples may include inpatient, outpatient, etc.
NURSE_UNIT_WARD This field is the current ward location of the patient at the time of data extraction.
SPECIALITY The type or category of medical service that the patient is receiving in relation to their encounter.
ADMIT_SOURCE Admit source identifies the place from which the patient came before being admitted. (i.e., transfer from another hospital)
ADMIT_TYPE Admit type indicates the circumstance under which the patient was admitted or will be admitted. (i.e., accident, emergent, routine, elective, labor/delivery, etc.)