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Medication Order

The MEDICATION_ORDER table contains information relating to inpatient or admission/discharge (outpatient) medication orders.

Field Name Field Description
MEDICATION_ORDER_ID The unique primary identifier of the medication order table
LEGACY_ORDER_ID This is the non unique order code in the emr data extract
ORDER_TYPE Medication order type (e.g. Inpatient, Discharge Medication as Rx, Documented Medication by Hx). Inpatient is a medication that is prescribed for administration during the current encounter. Discharge medication as Rx is a medication prescribed and script provided to patient to use as an outpatient (this medication may not nessesarily be given to patient whist an inpatient) Documented medication by Hx is a medication prescribed and recorded as history/discharge medication, pharmacy provides these to the patient on discharge (this medication may not nessesarily be given to patient whist an inpatient)
ORDER_STATUS The status of the medication order (e.g. Ordered, Completed). Ordered is an active order where the medication is currently being administered to the patient. Completed is an order that is no longer active and is not being administered to the patient
DRUG_CODE_CNUM Cerner Multum code for the ordered drug
DOSE Medication dose ordered
ORDER_ROUTE Medication adminstration route ordered
ORDER_DRUG_FORM Medication form ordered
ORDER_FREQUENCY Medication administration frequency ordered
ORDER_START_DT_TM The start date/time of this order.
ORDER_STOP_DT_TM The projected stop date and time for this order.
OUTPATIENT_ORDER Indicated if the medication order was extracted from the outpatient medication (history/discharge orders) table in the original data extract
ORDER_PRIMARY The primary mnemonic of the orderable medication. This is the common name recognized by all clinicians who provide services to patients. For Pharmacy orders, this is the legal generic name.
ORDER_AS_MNEMONIC Name, dose and form of the ordered medication order. This is the mnemonic used by direct care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.) when they place orders in applications such as PowerOrders. This field is important for free text orderables, since order_primary is a generic name and ordered_as_mnemonic carries specific information about the order.
ORDER_PRN Indicates if the medication is ordered as a 'pro re nata' or scheduled for adminstration as needed
SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION Special instructions associated with this medication order
ORDER_DT_TM The start date/time of this order.
DRUG_CODE_DNUM Multum drug number for the ordered drug
DRUG_CODE_MMDC Main Multum drug code for the ordered drug
ADDITIONAL_CHARTS Custom drug order
ORDER_NAME Name, dose, and form of the ordered medication order