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Operation Report

The OPERATION_REPORT table contains information from the operation reports written by the surgeon.

Field Name Field Description
OPERATION_REPORT_ID The unique primary identifier of the procedure table
SURGERY_ID The foreign key linking the record to the surgical table
PROCEDURE_TYPE Indicates the type of case (e.g. elective, emergency). Elective cases are procedures where the patient was put on a wait list and is admitted from home for the procedure. Emergency cases are procedures that were scheduled during an inpatient visit
PLANNED_PROCEDURE Short, free-text description of the planned procedure
INDICATIONS_FOR_PROCEDURE Short, free-text description of the indications for the procedure
UNPLANNED_RETURN_TO_OR An indicator of whether a patient had a surgical procedure/operation and required an unplanned return to the operating theatre during the same episode of admitted patient care. The return to the operating theatre should be for a surgical procedure related to the initial procedure, but may be performed by the same surgeon or a different surgeon.
PERFORMED_DT_TM The date and time the operation report was finalised